
Moong Dhuli

Urad Sabut

Urad Chilka

Chana Sabut


General infrmation about LENTILS, BEANS, PULSES, AND LEGUMES

Technically there is a difference in all those terms. The below figure below explains the difference (or rather the relationship) between lentils, beans, pulses, and legumes fairly well. 
Lentils are a type of pulses like red lentils, moong, yellow gram, split chickpea, pigeon peas etc. Dried beans like red kidney beans, black eyed peas, pinto beans, black beans, are also a type of pulses. Pulses also include chickpeas, dried peas. 
Legumes are any plant that grows in pods example fresh beans, soybean, fresh peas, peanuts etc. The dry edible seeds within the pods are called pulses. 


MOONG SABUT ( Green Gram, Mung bean)

The mung bean (Vigna radiata), alternatively known as the green gram, mash   It is used as an ingredient in both savory and sweet dishes.However, green moong dal is also known as sabut moong dal – sabut means “whole” in Hindi – and since whole green gram are used in the recipe, hence the name.

Ample benefits of moong dal nutrition – being a highly nutrient-food, moong dal is packed with essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, copper, and iron. It also contains fiber, Vitamin B6, and loads of high-quality protein. Being a nutritious food, moong dal is one of the unavoidable Indian vegetarian dishes

The main consumed parts are the seeds and sprouts. The mature seeds provide an invaluable source of digestible protein for humans in places where meat is lacking or where people are mostly vegetarian.

Mung beans are germinated by leaving them in water for four hours of daytime light and spending the rest of the day in the dark. Mung bean sprouts can be grown under artificial light for four hours over the period of a week. They are usually simply called “bean sprouts

MOONG CHILKA (Split green gram)

The bean is broken into pieces known as Moong Split Dal . Moong Dal (Chilka)/Split Green Gram (With Skin)

They’re relatively easy to digest. They can be made into moong bean paste by de-hulling, cooking, and pulverizing the beans to the consistency of a dry paste.

It is rich in Vitamin A, B, C and E and also in many minerals including iron, calcium, and potassium. It is considered a healthy weight loss food as it is a low-fat food rich in proteins and fiber. It helps to lower the high cholesterol level in the blood system

Yellow Moong Dal ( Split & skinned green gram, yellow lentils)

It is obtained by removing the skin of the broken Moong Beans . The left over is called yellow Moong Dal or Split and skinned yellow lentils.

Yellow moong dal tastes delicious, but how many of you know yellow moong dal benefits health. We all can notice that moong dal is in use in every home, therefore knowing all about it becomes necessary.
In India, yellow moong dal has its use in cooking a variety of dishes like halwa, dal, khichadi, etc. These are the best way of utilizing moong dal nutrients in your regular life..

CHANA SABUT (Black chickpeas)

Brown Chana is considered as rich source of protein among pulses family. It is grown organically using natural fertilizer and manure. Brown Chana are grown locally by our farmer family. Desi/Native variety of black chana is grown having height of 20-30 cm with small leaf on either side of it
Source of vitamin like B6, riboflavin, niacin and minerals. It helps in maintaining digestion. Rich source of iron which play a crucial role in improving level of hemoglobin. Vast reserves of calcium, magnesium in black chana assure the intake of vital essential nutrients for increasing bone density and improving joint flexibility.

CHANA SABUT (Black chickpeas)

Brown Chana is considered as rich source of protein among pulses family. It is grown organically using natural fertilizer and manure. Brown Chana are grown locally by our farmer family. Desi/Native variety of black chana is grown having height of 20-30 cm with small leaf on either side of it
Source of vitamin like B6, riboflavin, niacin and minerals. It helps in maintaining digestion. Rich source of iron which play a crucial role in improving level of hemoglobin. Vast reserves of calcium, magnesium in black chana assure the intake of vital essential nutrients for increasing bone density and improving joint flexibility.

Chana Dal ( Bengal Gram)

Chana dal is baby chickpeas that has been split and polished. It looks and tastes like small kernels of sweet corn, and is one of the most popular ingredients in Indian cuisine.
Chana dal is delicious, nutritious and easily digested. Apart from being used in soups, salads, curries, dal preparations, savouries, sweets and rice dishes, the legumes are also roasted and powdered into chickpea flour (besan), another ingredient that is widely used in almost every province of India. Also Known as Split

Besan ( Gram Flour)

Chana Besan(Gram Flour) made with 100% chana dal , it is a staple ingredient in an Indian kitchen. Besan is rich in nutrients and carbohydrates, which is good for health.

In India, Besan is used to make a variety of snacks, Zunka/Pithale, Bhaji, Chakli, Boondi, Shev, Mysore Pak, etc.

Also, used as a facial paste to act as an exfoliant. Chana Besan is beneficial for adding to the health of the growing baby.

Urad Sabut ( Black Gram)

Vigna mungo, also known as black gram, urad bean, urid bean. The product sold as black lentil is usually the whole urad bean. Vigna mungo is popular in Northern India, largely used to make dal from the whole or split, dehusked seeds.

The bean is boiled and eaten whole or, after splitting, made into dal; prepared like this it has an unusual mucilaginous texture.

Urad Chilka ( Split Black Gram)

Urad Chilka Dal is a commonly used dal in the Indian kitchen. It is one of the most used ingredients in the Indian kitchen.

It is popularly soaked and ground to make batter for dosas, idlis, vadas, etc. It is used in chutneys, curries and sometimes to makes desserts as well.

Whole Urad Dal has tremendous potential to improve your health. Packed with healthy fats, vitamins B and complex carbohydrates, this lentil is a nutritional powerhouse that offers endless health benefits.

It is commonly used in various Ayurvedic medicines as an ingredient because it aids in digestion and promotes muscle growth.

SHUDDHARTH Urad Sabut Dal is rich in Vitamin E which has remarkable antioxidant potential. Moreover, it also has the potential to show anti-microbial and anti-allergic properties.

URAD DHULI (Split & skinned black gram)

Urad Dal Dhuli is a whole or split urad with its skin removed. These lentils are creamy white in colour and have a milder flavour than whole Black Urad Dal.


Moth beans or Matki is a staple legume in various cuisines across India, often consumed either as a sprout or in the cooked form.

Quite popular in the Maharashtrian cuisine, Moth beans are also known as mat bean, dew bean or Turkish gram. These tiny beans oblong in shape, available in brown, reddish brown and green colours are rich in protein and go with the botanical name Vigna aconitifolia.


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Why Shuddharth Pulses

Uniform Sized & weight Grains

Free from external Impurities

Packed Hygienically

Minimum Human Touch

Kept safe from Moisture

Long Shelf Life

Top 10 Reasons to use Pulses